Narrativa e dialogicidade nas comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem


  • Ademilde Silveira Sartori
  • Jucimara Roesler



Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem, Narrativa, Dialogo, Educação a Distância


Walter Benjamin knows the narrative as experiences interchange, as relationship and as a social practice that presupposes a speaker. Bakhtin understands that dialogs include all verbal communications, besides the face to face interaction. The "word" is directed to the other because it is social driven, affirms, who is worried about dialog as a social interaction and as the fundamental reality of language. When Paulo Freire affirms that the Word can not be driven to the others, he does references to the authoritarian act of to impose, to prescript, though the transformer Word is the meeting point of the change of the world and only can be expressed when a dialog exists. From the study of these three theorists, one can identify the dialog and the cyberspace narrative as the basis for the sustainability of Distance Education dialogism in Virtual Learning Communities.


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How to Cite

Sartori, A. S., & Roesler, J. (2006). Narrativa e dialogicidade nas comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem. E-Compós, 5.



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