Olhar testemunhal e representação da ação na fotografia


  • Benjamim Picado




Representação, Fotografia, Ação


In this text, we propose an analysis of the coded aspects of human gesture, in the ways we find it captured in photography: taking advantage of the case of visual arresting of action in contemporary photojournalism, we examine the ways by which the pictorial principles of representation might serve as a structure of the visual discourse in photography. Taking a stand with Gombrich’s ideas on the principles of pictorial representation of human action, we identify the arrested gesture in photography as divided between two main aspects of its codification: on one hand, we identify this normalization of gesture with the processes of ritualization of human attitude; on the other hand, the gesture is identified with the expressional traits of representation (thus with the generation of some pathos, which is found translated in a iconic fashion), i.e., by the production of a sensorial sympathy of the image with aspects of the experience of the characters of the scene captured.


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How to Cite

Picado, B. (2005). Olhar testemunhal e representação da ação na fotografia. E-Compós, 3. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.41



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