Electronic Coronelismo is Not a Metaphor
a Typology of Television Broadcasting Companies in Brazil
Electronic coronelism, Politics of communication, Political economy of communicationsAbstract
The term “electronic coronelismo” designates a kind of system whose foundation lies in reciprocal and mutually dependent commitments between spheres of the media and of politics. This paper aims to discuss conceptual imprecisions and divergences that surround the phenomenon. For this purpose, we present the answers to two central questions: “Is electronic coronelism a regional issue?” and “Which is the main commodity of the system of electronic coronelism?”. We also develop a categorization of the actors which carry out this system, subdividing them into four categories: the owners of media systems; political families; personalist leaders; and political-communicators. Lastly, as a result, the paper untangles a comparative frame between their different types of political capital.
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