Entre o Mercado e o Fórum: o debate anti-tabagismo na cena midiática


  • Daniela Santiago
  • Rousiley C. M. Maia




Debate público, Esfera pública, Propaganda, Tabagismo


This article has the purpose of approaching the existent interrelation between the international managerial compounds and the public spheres of specific democratic societies. For such, public debate is investigated, in the mediatic scene, regarding the problem of tobacco–spurred by the processing of the Anti-tobacco Law (Law in the 10.167/00)–, attempting to understand those forms in the widest scenery of the discussions of public interest which motivated adaptations and limits to the marketing plans of the company. The quasi interdiction of the process of construction of marks for the law has direct impact in the symbolic mediation between the company and its publics, besides altering the competition profile and performance in the market. We seek to investigate, the way on behalf of which the Souza Cruz company dialogued, with the other social actors, in a private way, in a scenery of great adversities, covering up its practices of discursive elements which allowed legalizing in face of political, ethical demands, and its existence, transcending, on the whole, the strict domain of the economical rationality.


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How to Cite

Santiago, D., & Maia, R. C. M. (2005). Entre o Mercado e o Fórum: o debate anti-tabagismo na cena midiática. E-Compós, 4. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.47



Special Issue