The Speaking Cities Through Urban Graphic Artifacts
the Case of Lavapiés, in Madrid
Cultural Memory, Semiotics of culture, Urban graphic artifacts, Lavapiés neighborhood, CityAbstract
This article presents the results of a study carried out in the Lavapiés neighborhood, located in central Madrid, aimed at understanding the way in which the region’s cultural memory is constituted through a set of urban graphic artifacts and/or urban messages. Based on the concept of cultural memory formulated by the semiotician Iúri M. Lotman having the drift (DEBORD, 2003), as a methodological strategy, verbal messages were selected in which sentences indicate “what is being protested”, “who is being protested against”, or “what is being opposed”. This shows that the memory of the neighborhood is activated by the relationship between the “I” and the “Other”, seeking to delineate what Lavapiés is or what it should be.
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