Flâneur, blasé, zappeur: variações sobre o tema do indivíduo


  • Marco Toledo de Assis Bastos




Flanador, Blasé, Zapeador


The following article searches thoroughly the characters modernity has brought to us, seeking out contributions for portraying contemporary personae. From the reinvention of the city by the French flâneur and its particular way of moving around up to the impersonal elements Simmel found out on the blasé behavior, there are several images of a civilization dynamized by private life. From the flâneur to the blasé, and from the blasé to the zappeur, there is a straight line in what regards modern individuation, even though out of plain sight. This is because the less visible these characters are, the better are the chances for social analysis. The following article is thus an attempt to work out the concept of individual as a minor social cluster, in opposition to wide-ranging concepts such as subject or even culture.


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How to Cite

Bastos, M. T. de A. (2007). Flâneur, blasé, zappeur: variações sobre o tema do indivíduo. E-Compós, 10. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.200



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