Estudos de recepção na América Latina: contribuição para atualizar o panorama


  • Nilda Jacks
  • Daiane B. Menezes



Estudos de Recepção, América Latina, Pesquisa


This article is an overview of Latin American research from an examination conducted by several researchers on the reception studies developed in their countries, which is published in a special edition of the Journal Diálogos de la Comunicación (n.73 / 2006). Despite common axes brought by the initial dependence of the North American and European search and under the later influence generated in the main countries of the region, there are certain national characteristics that differentiate certain countries, which will be explored here, as the institutionalization of the studies, which varied in accordance with the political situation and media scenario, the tradition of the area in each country and their external influences, the themes explored and specific characteristics of the communication scientific production in these countries.


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How to Cite

Jacks, N., & Menezes, D. B. (2007). Estudos de recepção na América Latina: contribuição para atualizar o panorama. E-Compós, 10.



Special Issue