O tecnobrega no contexto do capitalismo cognitivo: uma alternativa de negócio aberto no campo performático e sensorial


  • Marcello M. Gabbay




Tecnobrega, Cultura popular, Capitalismo cognitivo


This article does not intend to approach aesthetic aspects about the tecnobrega style, but, based on the present conception about the “cognitive capitalism” and immaterial capital, analyze the evolution achieved by this music style at Belém city, highlighting the alternatives proposed by the participants of this cultural productive chain to establish themselves at the local market, in the face of a paradigm transition process, where old conceptions about tradition and erudition, settled through the last four centuries, are loosing the battle to new forms of popular culture and discourse, supported on the free use of new communication and media technologies.


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How to Cite

Gabbay, M. M. (2007). O tecnobrega no contexto do capitalismo cognitivo: uma alternativa de negócio aberto no campo performático e sensorial. E-Compós, 9. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.183



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