Um precursor desconhecido: a NSFNET e as redes pregressas a Internet


  • João Martins



Computador como meio de comunicação, Análise institucional do Estado, Políticas de ciência e tecnologia


Analyze of part of the development of the Internet – the creation of NSFNET between 1979-1985 – which justify itself by the necessity to correct some misunderstandings about the creation of the Net; the most important is the supposition that Arpanet was the only investment before commercial use of Web. It observes an important and forgotten project, demonstrating that the Net relates not with the fear of a nuclear holocaust, but with the tasks of maintenance of EUA’s hegemony in the international technology development. The task involves a political-economical analysis of the actions of state in R&D. A dispute between governmental agencies will be analyzed, trying to demonstrate his importance for the development of a technical and economical structure of the medium that was, at that time, being constructed.


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How to Cite

Martins, J. (2007). Um precursor desconhecido: a NSFNET e as redes pregressas a Internet. E-Compós, 9.



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