E-Sucupira: o Coronelismo Eletrônico como herança do Coronelismo nas comunicações brasileiras


  • Suzy dos Santos




Coronelismo eletrônico, Televisão, Radiodifusão, Mercado brasileiro de comunicações


Is it possible to adapt the concept ‘coronelismo’ to the field of the communication just adding a 'electronic'? Could we say that the property of broadcasting media is similar to what land property was in the First Republic? Would radio and TV recievers be the new hoes? If we are speaking about electronic coronelismo, can we also speak about eletronic clientelism, ‘mandonismo’, patronage or municipality? The consideration that there is a historical limit to date the coronelismo is reflected at mass communications field? Enlighted by some historical analysis related to coronelismo, we are trying to rescue a group of statements of this system and to defend its pertinence as a convenient conceptual inheritance to the proposition of an analytical category for the Brazilian mass communications model. For that, it will be necessary: setting a context to coronelismo and its adoption at social communications analysis, delimiting some borders, pointing some current imprecisions and inconsistencies, and, finally, specify our proposal of five coronelismo inherited statements to constitute the electronic coronelismo.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, S. (2006). E-Sucupira: o Coronelismo Eletrônico como herança do Coronelismo nas comunicações brasileiras. E-Compós, 7. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.104



Special Issue